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The tastiest mandarins have the deepest roots

By Evert Jan van Vliet, Productmanager Citrus

My passion for citrus fruit started when I was 13 years old. On Saturdays and holidays, I had a part-time job selling fruit at the market of my local greengrocer. Since then, I have not let go of citrus fruit. Mandarin, in particular, is an incredibly cool product. Every season, there are different varieties on the market and that means you can often switch and there is a lot to choose from.

The most delicious taste
Many of our mandarins come from Swellenfruit Farms in Swellendam, South Africa. This farm is owned by the Badenhorst family, and I have known them for a long time. Swellendam - located in the Western Cape - is characterised by red soil with many stones in it. Because the soil is dry and low in nutrients, the roots of the trees must grow very deep to be able to take in water and other nutrients. This may seem like a problem, but in fact, something beautiful happens because of this. The fruit is much tastier when it comes from trees that have had to work very hard to get nutrients. Things that are worthwhile take effort, you might say!

Something for everyone
In April and May, we receive the fresh-sour mandarins from Swellenfruit, which we call 'Satsumas'. These yellow mandarins have a unique flavour and are particularly popular with Dutch consumers. This contrasts with Germany, where not a single box of these Satsumas is being sold. That is the wonderful thing; every country and every consumer has its own preferences and habits. It is our job to match the right farmer with the right variety with the right buyer.

Fresher than fresh
At Chainn we try to keep the lines as direct and transparent as possible. Both the farmer and the customer must know where they stand and what happens to the fruit along the way. We go for quality, just like our farmers. And that means that our fruit is always delivered directly and is therefore always fresh.

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Evertjan van Vliet - Citrus Fruit Specialist

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